vienna: smashed mark and my delicious cocktail, my french canadian friend, shameful midnight kebabs and americans

geneva: the UN, some rocks where i sat reading lady chatterly, the view from the train

munich: mas beers, andy, cocktails and georgia peaches

well, after i got sprung saying mean things about people i meet last time, this blog will be much more safe!! i feel so bad!!
its 3pm on saturday and steve must almost be touching down in london. does anyone know what time he gets in? im so excited... i just dont have the energy to do copenhagen by myself, its too big, too busy, too expensive...
alright, so from budapest to now:
i arrived in budapest on sunday afternoon and it was HOT. the hottest so far. maybe 35 degrees? i stumbled out of the train station and tried to make sense of some hungarian signs. i failed, and ended up on the wrong bus. so i tried to get off and got stuck in the bus door! and they drove on! and i was stuck!! very bad start to hungary. eventually, after being lost without a map for about an hour, i found what i hoped was my hostel: so far it was just a door with a 10cm x 10cm sign saying : loft hostel. hmm. i got in an elevator which had no lights and a manual door and i prayed for not death. not death!! eventually, 6 floors above comfort level, i stumbled into the loft, and met cliff and katie, the managers. it didnt seem like too many people were around, but it was pretty cool, just a house with normal house stuff and some nice beds and a tv. i sat down on the couch and was immediately accosted by an irish man telling me how dangerous budapest is and how he woke up in hospital that morning after being bashed and robbed. hmm.
i decided that budapest had gotten off to a bad start, so i rounded up two other people from the loft, joe and halena, and we went to the supermarket to buy food for a communal dinner. we bought dahl, onions, garlic etc and that night i made dinner for us, katie and cliff, and we had a nice bond over weird mushy lentils. i was too tired to go out so i put on the breakfast club, and it seemed that sunday was a good movie night because almost the entire hostel sat around and we danced to awesome 80s pop music.
monday i walked around the pest side of the river, which is the busy city side. it was pretty classic city and there wasnt heaps to get excited about, but i found a nice vegetarian samosa for lunch and a park to eat in. it was still SO hot, above 35 again, so i went home by about 4pm like a wimp and watched 40 year old virgin yeah.
tuesday was a lazy day, me, harry and ron and halena from the above pictures sat around drinking cappy (gross orange cordial drink) and playing kings cup. that night we went to an awesome rooftop open air concept bar called corvin tetu with most of the hostel. katie told us that it was a tradition for guests of the loft to steal corvin cups for their private collection. however, she underestimated the enthusiasm of the manchester 'lads on tour' boys we had in the group. 5 hours later, with the promise of a free dinner, they (peter pettigrew in particular) had perfected the art of cup pants: entire pantlegs full of cups. it was pretty funny at the time but cliff was pretty mad the next day when we had about 30 corvin cups to deal with....
wednesday i walked with halena and shannon (two american girls) over the bridge to buda, and we visited the palace. it was ok, again nothing to get excited about. i had to get a train the next morning at 5:30am so we went to the trainstation and waited for about 5 hours to get served so i could buy a ticket... massive bummer. we teased shannon a lot because she kissed the doctor the night before but admitted he was a selfish lover. awkward hostel times for them! vegementertainment, as katie named it.
wednesday night, as promised the night before, katie cooked for the whole hostel. but for reasons i will not elaborate upon for fear of getting sprung again, there was not enough pasta for everyone (pig pie), which resulted in a lot of whispered bitching on the balcony and mean nickname inventing. to stem our rage, katie, halena, shannon, kendra and i went to szimpla, another really awesome bar where i drank swimming pool cocktails and ate a cheese sandwich while halena made out with a REALLY gross drunk welsh man. you know a guy is not going to be cool when he stumbles over drunk, demanding to know who burned him (?!) and if we had any drugs. nevertheless, halena went home with him, then came back to our home because they couldnt find any condams. the gross guy continued to be gross, and harry and ron teased him mercilessly while halena slowly realised the grossness of her decision.
all of a sudden it was 4:45am and i hadnt had any sleep but i had to go get my train!! so i packed in the dark and sprinted out to the elevator. it was broken!! argh!! luckily, ron aka the doctor became the mountain goat in shining armour as he carried all my bags down 6 floors of stairs. hurrah! and that was the end of the loft. im so desperate to go back.
as i walked out onto budapest keleti station the sun was rising, and i felt so happy. i boarded the train, climbed into my sleeping bag and fell asleep for 7 hours.
prague was typically unhelpful as i made my way from the station to the airport, and as i have no czech koruny i ate stale nutella sandwiches from my backpack. ew!
so now im in a much more temperate copenhagen, most days are about 20 degrees and theres a fair bit of rain. its very busy and metropolitan and expensive, and im in a 66 bed dorm which is pretty crazy, but so far its been alright. i met some cool canadians who unfortunately have gone to stockholm now, but we'll hopefully cross paths again at some point.
3:30pm now. is steve in london town?? maybe he's flying overhead right now. who knows...
hahaha the whole no names thing is soooo lj, jeslove.
i have a cold.
it's saturday night.
and i spent it smoking out of my window alone as my parents went to the haycox's for dinner.
steve will be with you so soon! he's so excited!
you would have giggled,
the other night at oh mercy these two coked up whores and their 60 something sugar daddy came to the gig.. in the middle of brunswick?!?! and then they danced. oh god did they dance. and alex protested their existance. then they claimed that all their songs were powderfinger songs. then they eventually left.
hilarity. ask steve about it.
blossom is starting to come out! it's really fucking early for spring.
i wish you were home so we could theorize about the chinese olympics together.
but i'm glad you're having an amazing time.
love love love
yep in london town now. it's cold and wet.
just want it to be monday so i can come see my girlfriend... my girlfriend who has strangely long hair now!
yeah, i wondered bout the hair too! glad u made it ok steve, only another day or so and you will hopefully meet up somewhere! btw jess, you got a dean's award certificate from monash so that's good, congrats. glad ur meeting some good fellow traveller's, it's all good fun. cu l8r.
oh sweet. monash is my bitch!
i have 400 dollars in the bank, managed to fuck up my tax return so its going to take exactly 3.2 years for me to get it back, im working all the time but have no money, and it's freezing so bad. two and a bit weeks ago we were in prague have an amazing time. well, not amazing. a week before that we were in berlin having an amazing time. or maybe you were sick in bed? the week before that we were in holland having an AMAZING TIME. i am so jealous, man. take out a personal loan and keep travelling off that, do not come home, there is so much paperwork and responsibility and you have to get up in the morning and go places. DONT COME BACK.
love you so much man, keep telling us all the hilarious things that are happening, and do more photos!! they're great. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
watsssssup dude guess who, yayy its your favourite little bro!
just caught up on the fun times, good to hear your partying hard, makes me very proud :)
dont listen to dan, you needa come back, house is a bit lonely.
ohh gues what i had this wierd dream the other night that we had a masssive fight haha.
live it up, drink it down.
love robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
dear jes,
yours truly,
stuck at home daydreaming about travelling.
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