cant type much as keyboard is all wrong and punctuation all missing.
guyz, prague is almost over and dan is almost gone, which means on wednesday i hit munich as a strong solo star woman. arrgh! im excited and scared. ive got 4 nights in munich followed by 3 nights in geneva at a boring looking hostel which is apparently very close to the UN (argh again, but in a different better way) and then two nights in vienna before hopefully a contiki which hasnt contacted me yet... not really sure whats going on with that. if anybody knows anything about contiki let me know. there might be a place i can book it in munich i guess.
dan is writing this same story but im sick of him stealing our good stories so IMA tell it too. hockay SO. ze other night we decided to make the same mistake twice, because its fun to break proverbs, and go on a pub crawl. excitingly named "the crawl" we were ready for some seriously gross fun. except it was more gross than fun, and the people were ugly men, so we ended up talking to the people who run the pub crawl. they were american and english mostly, and one of the american girls had just come to prague after spending a year in WA and NT which was pretty cool because she said "darwin" properly like an australian and kept accidentally saying mate. she was really cross-national and i dug it. but thats a side note.
more interestingly, the main guy who ran it was sitting outside looking massively bummed, his name was isaac, and he said to sara his sister, "the mafia is real, we have to get out" and sara said "oh no, what now" and we said "yes WHAT u talkin bout willis" and they told us that apparently here in relatively unstable eastern europe the ukranian mafia have a pretty tight hold on things. and because the three pub crawls in prague are now making so much money the mafia want in on it. so this guy isaac, who is like 25, his sister and his two friends who built this crawl from scratch and are the entire staff, have been receiving death threats from the ukranian mafia if they dont get out of the business. the mafia have started their own company called praha bike, and have hired some americans to start up a pub crawl, and these americans of course have no idea who they are dealing with, but theyre having trouble getting it off the ground so the bosses have decided to stamp out to competition. watch the news, kids, this shit is real down behind the iron curtain.
so that was weird. but the people were really cool and sara told us some places to go where we could get away from tourists so hopefully we will go to a bar tonight and a good czech restaurant tomorrow. yesterday we also ate a lot of thai food, which seems mentionable because it was really nice and made our tummies hurt a bit, and saw sex and the city which we talked about at length today. putting our university educations to use. mmhmm.
today we went to old prague castle which was pretty lame as there were about a billion tourists there who walk slowly and are lame. its all rebuilt for the tourists too, and has barely any historical significance. looked alright though. then we ate ryvitas with peanut butter and jam (the best idea to come out of america) under the eiffel tower. you heard right, folks, the eiffel tower is actually in prague, not france. the french did it wrong, according to some old czech architect, so he made it better and more structurally sound in the middle of prague. cool guy. then dan went to the toilet for a really long time and i got sunburnt waiting for him. and we thought about going in a mirror maze but didnt want to pay 50 koruny so we just peered in from the outside. best way to travel.
the coolest thing we saw today was the john lennon wall, which is this huge wall the velvet revolutionaries used to show their admiration for john lennons peace efforts in the 70s while they were oppressed by communism. now its this huge colourful wall of graffiti and its really beautiful, and everyone leaves their little comment. dan wrote "imagine" and i wrote "my boyfriend loves you guys!!" under a picture of the four of them. we are not very profound.
now we are going to make a dinner of porridge, sundried tomatoes and peanut butter and then hopefully get some cocktails later. more cocktail adventure photos to come.
i leave prague on wednesday at 9.20 and arrive in munich at about 3.30. i will go back to my german number so text or call that if you need me, or if you need the number leave a comment and i will text you.
hope you are all well, send me emails and write on my wall if you are lazy. buh bye xo
Monday, 21 July 2008
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Here are a few words to help you over the next few days....
porridge = Hafergrütze
cous cous = cous cous
pasta = Teigwaren
cheese = Käse
bread = Brot
chocolate = Schokolade
vegetables = Gemüsepflanzen
cereal = Zerealien
soup = Suppe
juice = Saft
toilet = Toilette
taxi = taxi
go away = weggehen
Please do not snore = schnarchen Sie bitte nicht
please wash = waschen Sie sich bitte
Hopefully all your school German will come back to you..
very good thanks mum. i also know ohna fleisch - without meat
i'm told there is an interesting czech play (or movie?) by Tom Stoppard called "rock n roll" aka "czechs and thugs and rock n roll" set in prague. keep your eye out for it! a bit in the Lennon anti-establishment theme i think...
oh jes i miss you.
i like the "my boyfriend loves you guys!" bit. i giggled.
melbourne = cold.
mit = rad.
mit also = broke.
maybe i should go to prague with no money. then the mafia will have no reason to mess wit me.
ahhhhhhhhhhh. xoxoxo
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